Cynthia Terry

Ms. Terry has been serving the Danville, Pittsylvania County communities for last 23 years. She has helped countless families, children, & homeless persons with food, clothing,& help with bills. She recently opened a youth Center CDC in Danville (Changing Lives Outreach Center CDC) where all services are free to the community. Ms Terry desires to help the Youth and their parents, especially single family parents. Ms. Terry stepped out on faith & used some of her life savings to start a much needed non-profit organization to try to save or help some of the Youth in the Danville & Surrounding areas from trouble, dropping out of school, or a life of crime. She offers tutoring, afterschool homework assistance, mentor programs, and teaches life and social skills. She also provides each single family participant grocery each week to help them out. She also distributes food bags weekly to the homeless and anyone in need. Ms. Terry desires to be the solution to some of the problems here in the city of Danville & Surrounding areas. She is very passionate about what she does & never looks for anything in return except positive results. She will give the shirt off her back to a stranger. I think she is well deserving to be nominated and to win for her hard work in and for the Danville community. She has been consistent & true to the cause. Therefore we nominate Mrs. Cynthia Terry as community volunteer of the year!

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