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ALICE Project – Utilizing Local Data

United Way of Danville Pittsylvania County 308 Craghead Street Ste. 102E, Danville

Rent or electric bill? Food or prescription drug? For too many hardworking households, impossible decisions such as these are a way of life. When families and individuals are forced to make these difficult choices, the entire community faces consequences. Our families, neighbors, and colleagues who work hard, earn above the Federal Poverty Level, but are […]

[FREE] Networking Session: Using Local Data – The Health Equity and ALICE Reports

United Way of Danville Pittsylvania County 308 Craghead Street Ste. 102E, Danville

Join representatives from The Health Collaborative and the United Way to hear about both of their new reports that contain a wealth of local data. The Health Equity Report visually displays health, social and economic data in map form, allowing us to see how information varies by census tract and zip code. The ALICE Report (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) raises […]