We invite you to join us for an informational session on how 2-1-1 can benefit you, your organization, and the Dan River Region. Community Engagement Liaison Altise Street will walk us through the 2-1-1 platform demonstrating the steps for listing and updating your agency’s information as well as tracking local calls and service needs through the 2-1-1 Counts data dashboard. Register for the free online session in advance: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMsfu2qrDktHdfMJVLmib5nlzO1b3OH1FhK
2-1-1 is a free confidential community service and a one-stop connection to the local services residents need, from utility assistance, food, housing, health, child care, after-school programs, elder care, crisis intervention and much more. Available 24/7, 2-1-1 is always ready to assist in finding the help you need.
The platform is open to all, but 2-1-1 Virginia’s database is only as strong as the agencies in it. The goal is to maintain a robust agency network that covers a wide variety of needs. Government, nonprofit, and community-based agencies, as well as businesses that provide health and human services to the citizens of Virginia are encouraged to list their services.
As we work together to strategically embrace the use of 2-1-1 in our region, the state is looking to the Dan River Region to be a model for other communities. Join us to learn how you can be part of this important effort to better understand and address the needs of our community.
Who should attend?
— Representatives from local agencies that provide health/human services or community resources
— Those who are currently responsible for updating their agency’s website or marketing materials will find this presentation especially relevant
— Anyone interested in learning more about community resources available in our region
— Anyone interested in data related to community resource needs and gaps