Data Gathering
Dear social impact rockstars,
The Nonprofit Network is gathering needed information from our region’s nonprofit organizations about the impact of COVID-19. Your participation and input are crucial – please follow this link to complete our brief survey:
We estimate it will you take 5-10 minutes. Your responses will be used to provide the most relevant resources at this critical moment and in the future. We want to ensure that you have what you need to continue to serve the communities we all love so much.
North Carolina Nonprofit Community Letter to State Legislatures (Sent 5/11/2020)
Through our partnership with the Regional Capacity Builders, specifically the Center for Nonprofit Exccellence, Nonprofit Roanoke, and NetworkPeninsula, we garnered over 100+ signatures on the Virginia Nonprofit Community Letter to State Legislatures that outlines six nonprofit and philanthropic community requested modifications to the CARES Act. (Sent 5/7/2020) Please download or read the full text of the letter here:
Sharing & Communication
Dropbox – Nonprofits focused on fighting COVID-19 or providing relief to those impacted can access three months of free Dropbox Premium.
Slack – Nonprofit organizations of any size are eligible to receive three months of their Standard plan or Plus for their workspace free of charge.
Microsoft 365 – Free 6 month trial of Microsoft 365 E1, with web-based Office apps and business services including email, file storage and sharing, meetings, and instant messaging.
Video Conferencing
Zoom Pro – TechSoup purchase gets $10 off pro plan (TechSoup admin fee + 50% off discount) Make sure to also check out TechSoup’s Video Conferencing Tools Comparison
Free access to Google Hangouts Meet, which allows up to 250 participants and live streaming up to 100,000 viewers per domain, and G-suite until July 1, 2020.
Jamm – Free platform for voice and video collaboration for teams working remotely (integrates with Slack)
Grants & Funds
Trying to search for grants from home? Since the Nonprofit Network is a member of the Funding Information Network with Candid, you can now temporarily access Foundation Directory Online (FDO) Essential FREE through our partnership with this short form.
FDO Essentials contains 103,000+ expanded grantmaker profiles, 300,000+ key decision makers and leaders, and searchable 990s and 990-PDFs. Remember (when the social distancing era has passed!) that the Network has access to FDO Professional at our onsite location which includes 189,000+ expanded grantmaker profiles with more insights and data, 800,000+ grant recipient profiles, 600,000+ key decision makers and leaders, searchable 990s and 990-PDFs.
The Nonprofit Network can also assist you with funding searches directly. Contact us at for help.
Virginia Department of Emergency Management FEMA Disaster Grants:
Overview –
Click here for a PDF presentation for more details & eligibility
Rebuild VA:
Rebuild VA is a new grant program for small businesses and nonprofits to provide grants of up to three times the applicant’s average monthly eligible expenses up to a maximum award of $10,000. The application will become available on August 10, 2020.
Virginia nonprofits that have faced economic distress as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic in certain industry sectors are eligible to apply. Please note that a key criteria is that businesses have not received other CARES Act funds (EIDL, PPP loans, and/or CARES Act funding from any federal, state, regional or local agency or authority).
More details about the program, including eligibility criteria, may be found in the attached flyer or by visiting
Local Funding & Funder Notices
Update 3/31/2020: The Community Foundation of the Dan River Region has launched a Coronavirus Relief Fund. They will partner with organizations operating on the frontlines to ensure essential human needs are met during this health crisis. There is no formal application process – grantee partners will be identified and contacted directly. Read more about the new fund on their website and find out how you can donate:
Update 4/10/2020: In addition, the Danville Regional Foundation will match contributions to CFDRR’s fund dollar for dollar up to $100,000 through May 31st!
City of Danville Grants Opportunities (Due 5/1/2020)
Small Business Rent Relief Grant (Description of Grant)
The City of Danville, Industrial Development Authority of Danville, Virginia, and the River District Association have established the Small Business Rent Relief Grant (PDF application) in order to support the vibrancy of our community’s commercial corridors during the COVID-19 pandemic. This grant was developed to alleviate the stress of paying monthly rent and allowing owners the ability to focus on continuing daily operations. These grants are available to nonprofit organizations. Apply here.
Marketing and eCommerce Matching Grant (Description of Grant)
As we navigate the unchartered territories of managing COVID-19 and its impact on local business, the City of Danville, Industrial Development Authority of Danville, Virginia, and River District Association have noted the creative ways businesses are continuing to serve the community through means such as curbside pickups and delivery options. The Marketing & eCommerce Matching Grant (PDF application) was developed to assist businesses with additional marketing support during this trying time and can be used towards paid marketing efforts and eCommerce upgrades. These grants are available to nonprofit organizations. Apply here.
Virginia Humanities is now taking grant applications from museums, historic sites, and other humanities-based nonprofits for emergency operating funds through the CARES Act. The deadline to apply is April 30th 2020. All eligible organizations who apply will receive funds. Final amounts will depend on the number of applications received. Apply here.
Tune in for an informational webinar on April 24th, 2020 at 2:30-4PM: Register here.
National Endowment for the Humanities: Humanities-based organizations facing financial difficulties can apply directly to the National Endowment for the Humanities for emergency assistance. Their deadline is May 11, 2020. Apply here.
SBA EIDL Loans: The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) has now approved Economic Injury Disaster Loan declarations for both Virginia and North Carolina. Nonprofit organizations through our entire region affected by the COVID-19 public health crisis can now apply for low-interest (2.75%) federal disaster loans from the SBA to pay fixed debts, payroll, accounts payable, and other expenses. This lower interest rate of 2.75% is is 1% less than the small business rate. Eligibility is based on the degree of the financial impact. The administration does offer long-term repayments (up to a maximum of 30 years) in order to keep payments affordable. You can also call SBA’s Customer Service Center at 800-659-2955 or email for more information.
To submit a loan application through the SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loan program, please visit
Access Virginia Fact Sheet & North Carolina Fact Sheet. Both loan opportunities have deadlines in December, 2020 but applications are currently being accepted. Note: SBA websites states “private nonprofits” are eligible, but this is only intended to indicate support for entities that are not public/government affiliated (i.e. utilities).
SBA PPP Loans: With the passing of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) on Friday, 3/27/20 the SBA has released new information on their website earlier today. This includes the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) as a part of the expanded emergency loan programs available. Most small nonprofits can use these to secure funds to pay staff and operating costs for two months, and secure full loan forgiveness under certain circumstances.
Applications opened on April 3rd, 2020. More information on the PPP Loans here.
Side by side comparison of the available loan options for nonprofits provided by the National Council of Nonprofits.
Please note that businesses may have difficulty receiving both SBA EIDL and PPP loans at the same time. Consult with the SBA and your lender on your specific questions. If you have already applied for the EIDL loan you may refinance it with the PPP loan, or decide which loan program is a better option for your organization.
This is neither financial nor legal advice. This information is to inform our network based on official guidelines from SBA and analysis from partner organizations.
Families First Act Analysis for Nonprofits
CARES Act Analysis for Nonprofits
Other Resources & Legislation
All employers covered by the paid sick leave and expanded family and medical leave provisions of the Families First Act (FFCRA) (i.e., certain public sector employers and private sector employers with fewer than 500 employees) are required to post publicly/share this notice to employees by April 1st, 2020:
(Article) How Nonprofits Can Utilize the New Federal Laws Dealing with COVID-19 – Nonprofit Quarterly
Healthcare Resources
Please see the attached Medicaid flyer. Our area’s Community Outreach Workers can help people that need it most!
Download here: