Kara Oaks

Kara Oaks is a proud Danville native, Averett University sophomore, and National Bonner Leader. She is one of the most positive and funniest people you will ever meet, and she uses that great energy to support regional engagement efforts. Since Fall 2017, Kara has volunteered with the Dan River Nonprofit Network on a weekly basis to support more volunteers and organizations. Kara is particularly passionate about educating volunteers on compassion fatigue and uplifting the constant givers of our community. Essentially, Kara is the caretaker or our caretakers.

At Averett, Kara has taken it upon herself to welcome international students and lend a helping hand to students in need. She is always willing to help or make someone smile. Kara is a great candidate for the Dan River Volunteer of the Year award, and I whole-heartedly recommend her.

(Submitted by staff at the Center for Community Engagement and Career Competitiveness)

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